District Child Tax Credit Community Toolkit

Below you will find resources to learn more about and take action on the District Child Tax Credit Amendment Act.

DCTC One Pagers

Pass the District Child Tax Credit Amendment Act of 2023 (Bill 25-190) Social Media Toolkit

Social Media Promotion

HashTags and Slogans:

  • #PassTheDCTC  #GuaranteedIncome  #DCGIC
  • Moving the guaranteed income agenda ahead in Washington DC!

Sample Posts

  • Register to Testify:
    • Mark your calendars and register to testify at the #DCTC hearing! Let your voice be heard and help shape a city that fights childhood poverty and paves the way for a guaranteed income for all. Visit bit.ly/RegisterfortheDCTCHearing2024 to join us in making a difference. #TestifyForChange
    • The #DCTC hearing awaits your valuable input. Register today and seize the chance to stand up for a city that prioritizes eradicating childhood poverty and building a foundation for a guaranteed income. Visit bit.ly/RegisterfortheDCTCHearing2024 to raise your voice, and make a difference
    • Make your voice heard! Register to testify at the council meeting here: bit.ly/RegisterfortheDCTCHearing2024 and share your story of financial hardships to make a real difference.
  • Register for testimony prep:
    • Attention DC Guaranteed Income Coalition Community! We invite you to register now and make a lasting impact at the #DCTC hearing on January 24th. Share your vision of a city that tackles childhood poverty and establishes equitable income for everyone. Together, we can create a better future. #RegisterToTestify


  • SM Graphics (feel free to copy and paste, or download at the link!)

Register to Testify Graphic

Register to testify with this link.

DCTC Organizational Signatories Graphic

Support for the DCTC is wide-ranging across the DC community. See the organizations listed here. Want to be added? Sign your name at the link here

Slides from Past Meetings

Sign-On Letter Toolkit

Testimony Instructions

Register for the DCTC Hearing on

Wednesday, January 24th @ 10:00 AM here:


The deadline to register to testify is Monday, January 22nd @ 5:00 PM.

Download DCTC Hearing Notice