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Transition to In-Person Meetings, Upcoming Canvass and more!

As we review the 2025 DC Mayor’s Budget Proposal, we continue to advocate for initiatives that prioritize direct assistance, community support, and equitable resource allocation.

The budget proposal includes $1 million to maintain the funding for the Strong Families, Strong Futures pilot, which provides cash assistance to low-income mothers in Wards 5, 7, and 8. This is a win for funding this coalition advocated for with Councilmember McDuffie. Unfortunately, the budget doesn’t adequately fund the proven and needed programs that support the DCGIC’s priorities. We call on the DC council to expand the SFSF to all DC residents who need it. 

The good news is there’s still time to call on council members to increase investments in solutions to address the gap in human needs in our city. Will you take a few minutes to join us in this urgent action? 

In Solidarity, 

Melody Webb
Founder and Executive Director
Mother’s Outreach Network / DC Guaranteed Income Coalition

Next DCGIC Meeting: In-Person on May 16th

We’re excited to announce an important update regarding our coalition meetings. Starting May 16th, we will transition from virtual meetings to in-person gatherings. The meetings will take place at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, located at 400 I St SW, Washington, DC. This change reflects our commitment to fostering stronger connections and collaboration within our community.

Please mark your calendars for May 16th at 5:00pm and plan to join us at the Westminster Presbyterian Church for our first in-person meeting. We look forward to seeing you there and continuing our important work together.

If you have any questions or need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Guaranteed Income In The News

“Amid Debate About Universal Basic Income, Mayor Bowser Recommits to Strong Families, Strong Futures DC by Sam P.K. Collins of the Washington Informer highlights two DC mother’s reflections on the impact of cash disbursements. 

“Fairfax County to pilot guaranteed income program for some people” by WRIC Richmond highlights the Fairfax County Economic Mobility Pilot in nearby Fairfax County, VA.

“Guaranteed Income and the Case for a Solidarity & Care Economy” by Amanda Liaw for 730DC features Melody Webb, who highlights the DCGIC platform and explores guaranteed income’s impact on violent crime, children’s educational outcomes, and families involved in the child welfare system.

Upcoming Canvasses

Join us for a special event on Thursday, May 9th, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm at MLK Library. We’ll be hosting a canvass alongside the screening of the film “Storming Caesars Palace,” presented by the National Women’s History Museum. The film highlights the visionary leadership of low-income grassroots organizers.

To register for the canvass and secure your spot for the film screening, please sign up using the links below. We welcome all members of the community to join us for this enriching and engaging event.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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