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Join us Thursday for our August Planning Meeting:August 1st @ 5pm

Join us for our August planning meeting this Thursday! The meeting will take place via Zoom on this Thursday, August 1st from 5 to 6pm. This will be our only meeting in August, so make sure you don’t miss it!


In Solidarity


Melody Webb
Founder and Executive Director
Mother’s Outreach Network / DC Guaranteed Income Coalition

Baltimore Baby Bonus Campaign: Seeks Support from Allies!

Baltimore’s Baby Bonus initiative, which would provide $1,000 to all families upon childbirth or adoption, faces removal from the November ballot by Mayor Scott’s lawsuit. The Court hearing date is August 6th. The campaign is urging all who have Baltimore connections to lift up this grassroots effort and demand the Mayor drop the lawsuit. Learn more: Baltimore Sun op-ed and FAQ. They seek your support for this crucial guaranteed income measure, which would deliver critical cash to residents giving birth that have no earned income as well as others.

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