Education and Petition Canvas

On Saturday, June 17, at 1 pm join the June canvas for guaranteed income at Bread for City's special Juneteenth Celebration, and spread the word as we listen, share and collect signatures for supporting guaranteed income in the District of Columbia.

DC Guaranteed Income Coalition July Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Join us on Thursday July 20th at 5 pm.  Register here for the Zoom link: Download the Social Media Kit for the Meeting

DC Guaranteed Income Coalition September Meeting

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library DC, United States

We’re delighted to inform you of an exciting programming change this month. As you know, we have kicked off a DC Women and Guaranteed Income learning and action series. We’ve rescheduled the September 21st panel to October 19th. In its place, we will enjoy a stirring film along with a discussion about basic income, inspiring […]

Stand Up For D.C. Moms: MON’S Fundraiser!

Busboys and Poets 14th and V Streets NW, Washington, DC, United States

MON needs your support - join us at our annual fundraiser Join our upcoming event for an evening to hear more about our work from local leaders and from the moms we support. Connect over food and drink with others who share our goal of family preservation. We are paving a new way forward; we hope […]